Eurozine Review

Read our reviews of the latest issues of Eurozine partner journals.

Cover for: Faking it

Faking it

Wespennest 183 (2022)

What the taboo on race fakery might be hiding; how it’s getting hard to write an objective history of Soviet modernism; why so many Russians believe the myth of peaceful empire; and how neutrality is Austria’ most self-serving fiction.

Cover for: Speaking up about hate

Speaking up about hate

Dwutygodnik 85 (2022)

Dwutygodnik touches on a contemporary taboo: why hatred and other base emotions are no less valid than cool impartiality; how hating Russia doesn’t help; and why there’s hope in hate if we can channel it into change.

Cover for: Totalitarian China

Totalitarian China

Esprit 11/2022

Esprit focuses on China: Xi’s rhetoric of struggle; why the CCP passes the test of totalitarianism; how ideology is exacerbating the slowdown; and what’s at stake in Taiwan. Also: Meloni and the politics of clownism.

Cover for: Superstructural froth?

Superstructural froth?

Soundings 81 (2022)

How culture in the UK has become the soft target for an improvised neo-Thatcherism; why the Left makes a mistake to denigrate cultural politics; how to understand the far-right’s online power-base; and why the BBC prefers to manufacture dissensus.

Cover for: Ups and downs of degrowth

Ups and downs of degrowth

springerin 3/2022

‘springerin’ on how the art world is coping with downgrading in a climate where ‘bigger is better’, re-engaging with the material world and dealing with the ‘big boys and their extractivist toys’.

Cover for: Reappraising Wallraff

Reappraising Wallraff

Merkur 2/2022

In ‘Merkur’: why Günter Wallraff’s 1985 bestseller ‘The Lowest of the Low’ appears scandalous by the standards of today’s racial justice discourse – but remains absolutely worth reading for its searing analysis of the exploitation of labour in wealthy democracies.

Cover for: Dim prospects for European stability

Dim prospects for European stability

New Eastern Europe 1–2/2022

In ‘New Eastern Europe’: why the West should not be fooled by Russia’s Cold War revivalism; whether Ukraine can turn the tables; and where now after the ruins of Ostpolitik?

Cover for: Lotman’s signs

Lotman’s signs

Akadeemia 2/2022

‘Akadeemia’ applies Lotmanian semiotics to today’s societal concerns. Including a holistic view of digital fragmentation, integrating ecology into the cultural sphere and creatively rethinking educational practices.

Cover for: The bottom of the pecking order

In Swedish journal Ord&Bild: the semantics of the gig; joy and violence in Belarus; remembering the squatter movement; and the invisible labour of the GM chicken.

Cover for: All hands on deck

All hands on deck

Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais 125 (2021)

‘Revista Crítica’ takes an oceanic turn, with articles on the imaginations of Spanish emigrants, the role of the ocean in Ben Gurion’s socialist Zionism, and ‘borderscapes’ in films about migration in the Mediterranean.

Cover for: Doing without

Doing without

Wespennest 181 (2021)

‘Wespennest’ discusses something we have all got used to doing: ‘forgoing’ (‘Verzicht’). But the meaning of the word is slippery, if not downright inappropriate. Including reflections on pandemic, refugee experience and the economics of austerity.

Cover for: Looking to Leningraz

Looking to Leningraz

Dialogi 10/2021

In ‘Dialogi’: why the communist victory in Graz points the way for urban politics; how participatory budgeting is catching on in Slovenia; and the question we should all be asking – is Netflix evil?

Cover for: Art telling truth

Art telling truth

springerin 4/2021

‘springerin’ questions the concept of subpoenaed witness in western thought. Featuring an interview with philosopher Sibylle Schmidt on the worth of artistic testimony.

Cover for: Memorial endgame

Memorial endgame

Mittelweg 36 5–6/2021

‘Mittelweg 36’ returns to the Wehrmacht exhibitions twenty years on: including the political and historiographic controversies surrounding the exhibitions and their impact on German public debate; also, how they realigned politics and mobilized both far-right and far-left.

Cover for: World on borrowed time

World on borrowed time

Esprit 2021/12

Climate change, COVID-19, social injustice: ‘Esprit’ explores how current notions of crisis affect our relationship with time and our (in)ability to change our circumstances. Also: the revolutionary origins of ‘la question Woke’.

Cover for: Fluid feelings

Fluid feelings

L’Homme 2/2021

‘L’Homme’ explores the mutable subjectivities that shape female gender norms and roles: including patriarchy and labour in India; sexualized shame in the Turkish workplace; and pseudo-progressivism in late Soviet film.

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