Standard Time
Eurozine’s weekly talk show discussing topics that affect people across Europe, with guests from all over the world.
This programme is is a Display Europe production, supported by the European Union and the European Cultural Foundation and produced in collaboration with

Disability has always been part of the human condition; inclusion and accessibility are not favours to extend, but measures that would benefit everybody. Europe’s regulations are quite good, but practice often lags behind. On this episode of Standard Time, we discuss access, accommodation and attitudes.

An outburst of syphillis is sweeping across Europe, and new HIV infections are also steadily rising. And yet, the public discourse seems to view sexually transmitted infections as a thing of the past. In this surprisingly light-hearted episode of Standard Time, medical doctors and a sex work activist talk screening, education, and stigma.

Exploring ageing
Introducing Eurozine’s new talk show
Ageing gracefully? Why not age disgracefully instead! Four generations discuss the problem of age, and why women just aren’t allowed to enjoy their time of life, on the first episode of Eurozine’s new venture.