Review of Democracy
Review of Democracy, or RevDem, is the online platform and autonomous journal of the CEU Democracy Institute dedicated to the reinvigoration, survival and prosperity of democracies worldwide, supported by the Open Society University Network. It delivers analysis, reflection, research and opinion pieces in real-time at the national and supranational level.
The journal went online in 2021 and is divided into sections that triangulate around democracy. Review of Democracy publishes podcasts, reviews and essays and aims to go beyond the academy for a wider audience to gain an inside view of the future of democracy.
Editors-in-Chief: Renata Uitz and Laszlo Bruszt
Editors: Oliver Garner, Kasia Krzyżanowska, Ferenc Laczó and Robert Nemeth.
Managing editor: Michał Matlak
Contact: revdem@ceu.edu or matlakm@ceu.edu